Seperate spelling tasks
Matthew Wallace
When my class have access to the quests they are choosing Year 1/2 spellings to get easy points and I only have the option to either hide all of the spelling tasks or set the other spellings tasks and this takes a lot of time. I only want certain children (SEND to have access to Y1/2 spellings and homophones.
Andrew Lowery
We have implemented the system to allocate a whole quest with one click (select multiple Teacher Tasks), allocate to individuals (drop-down menu in Teacher Tasks). The other option is to create a separate 'Group' for differentiation within your existing class.
Andrew Lowery
in progress
Andrew Lowery
Thanks for this- I'm aware of the issue with students picking games below their age/attainment. We're designing ways to prevent this at the moment. I'll update this post when we've got more to share.
One temporary fix is that I'll move the Y1-2 spelling into the medal mountain category, so it's a bit harder for students to access.